Trustees of Arleston Community Centre

Claire has been a volunteer on the Board of Trustees since November 2016 and is responsible for the bookings. She moved to Arleston in 2012 and is Vice Chair of Arleston Resident’s Group. Claire enjoys meeting and working with community and voluntary groups in the area and helping where possible.

Martin moved to Arleston in 2012 and is on the Resident’s  Group Committee.  He has been a volunteer since 2014 and a trustee at Arleston Community Centre since 2018.  Martin has run the Arleston Film CLub since 2016.

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Angela grew up in Arleston and has been the Borough and Town Councillor for Arleston since 2007.  She was instrumental in saving Arleston Community Centre from closure in 2016, setting up a Trustees Group made up of resident & volunteers ensuring that Arleston Community Centre remained open for local community & volunteer groups and is responsible for grant funding and volunteers.  Angela is also Chair of Arleston Residents Group and the successful Arleston Memories Group which she started in 2010.

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After moving into the area from north Birmingham in September 2021 I have enjoyed getting involved as a volunteer, and more recently trustee, at the community centre. My hobbies include many crafts, including sewing, crochet, macrame to name a few. I love to try something new and the craft group here is the ideal place. The film club is also something I look forward to on the last Friday in the month.

I joined the board of Trustees at Arleston in October 2022 and am responsible for bookings at the centre.  I am a Councillor for Arleston on Wellington Town Council and also work full time as an International Recruiter for a US tech company.  I am a mom of 2 teenage boys and have lived in or around Wellington for most of my life so have a great appreciation for our town and local communities.



I became an Arleston Town Councillor in May 2023 and was delighted to be invited to be a Trustee of the Centre. Whilst new to the Centre, I have been impressed by the facilities and the community activities that are run within it.

I worked as a management lecturer at Telford College for 20 years and then ran a training company until I retired. I have previously been  involved in the local community as a school governor for 40 years.   I hope to use my experience to assist in helping to support the Centre

Since it’s formation as a charitable organisation in 2016 the list of trustee’s has remained stable with few changes in the first three successful years.  You can see a list of the current trustees above and learn a little more about the people that oversee the management of the centre.